Do you think that the way you present yourself can affect the first impression people have of you?

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Personal Grooming is Important!

Dressing the part of the job is one way to show everyone that you mean business- but don’t forget that personal grooming and hygiene is just as important! Have you ever been around a co-worker that unfortunately wasn’t the nicest smelling one in the room? I know I have. Remember that you will be working with these people for a long time and the last thing you need is to be judged or looked down upon just because of your lack of hygiene. Proper grooming and professional appearance are important to gain not just positive impression but also respect in the workplace. Showing a lack of hygiene may lead to poor image and may interfere with your chance of getting good impression and positive feedbacks from your workmates and superiors. The following are some tips to keep in mind and help you out:
1.       Don’t go too crazy with the perfume/cologne
o   Be sensitive to the people you work around with and don’t cause future problems by wearing too strong of a scent.
2.       Wear deodorant
o   Let’s be real, some people forget this step when rushing in the morning after hitting that snooze button 5 times. A tip would be to keep a small travel size deodorant in your purse or in your car for a quick stroke across those pits!
3.       Brush your teeth!
o   After eating that tuna sandwich for lunch, you may find that some people are moving away from your face when you speak to them. Avoid the embarrassment and keep a small travel sized toothbrush, tooth paste and mouth wash in a small bag in your purse or inside your desk. You never know when you’ll need it. Gum is always a convenient thing to have as well!
4.       Lastly, make sure your hair looks presentable and professional. Don’t wake up and go to work with bed head hair. Take 10 minutes of your time to style it, add some products and look your best. Remember if you look good, you feel good

Those are some tips that I found in my life to be very useful and can potentially save you from any embarrassing looks or comments. Have you ever had an unpleasant co-worker that just didn’t seem to try to maintain themselves? Let me know in the comments below about that encounter!  

Photo Retrieved From:

Photo Retrieved From:

Future of Working. (April 23, 2014). Professional Appearance and Grooming for the Workplace. Retrieved from:

Sunday 6 March 2016

Dressing Up 24/7

Do you think that we should only dress up at work or should we make it a habit to always be perfectly well-groomed and attired? I’ve noticed throughout my life that I know many types of people with completely different characteristics and appearances. There’s one person in particular that I’m thinking of- my sister Jessica. She is one who is always looking for an adventure and always prepared for whatever comes her way. I don’t believe my sister knows what the meaning of lazy or casual means. She is someone who is always dressed in the most appealing and satisfactory way- always dressing like she’s about to meet the royal family. Her philosophy and what she lives by is that “every day you should dress as if you were to meet someone important”. Do you agree with her? I see where she is going and understand her reasons behind her choices of never wanting to look sluggish or unprepared like some people do, but at what cost? Even when we go to the park on a late Sunday afternoon she has to be wearing a nice, well put together outfit that she put a lot of effort into- but is all that really necessary? My sister works for a Marketing agency where she is in charge of dealing with new clients and meeting board members and signing deals, so I can see where her need to look presentable at all times would come from. If I were someone who had to always be on the lookout for new clients and have spontaneous meetings and brunches, I would like to be prepared and look presentable at all times as well. It shows her character of determination and commitment with her job. Clothes make a strong visual statement of how you see yourself. Like I’ve mentioned before, clothes have an effect on both the wearer and the observer. It has been proven that people are more likely to approach you, be nice to you, or give you information if the way your present yourself is physically appealing. In some cases (like the video I share below) more people are willing to donate more money to a cause just because of how you look. It might sound superficial, but I guess people are more pleased and open to seeing well put together individuals. Do you think that we should be judged based on our appearance? In regards to the video posted below, would you have donated to the girl that was sloppy, well groomed, or both? Why?  

            Williams, D. (August 9, 2013). First Impressions Count: The Business Value of Dressing for Success. Retrieved from:

Buzzfeed Blue. (December 12, 2015). Does it pay to be attractive? Retrieved from:

How Should A Man Dress?

I think I speak for all the ladies out there that believe that men who dress sharp and in a well-tailored suit mean serious business and look good doing it too. The way one dresses tells a lot about a person, depending on the situation of course. The way you look plays a significant role in your success. According to Nicole Williams, a career expert at LinkedIn says that “the problem with appearance is that it translates to performance. When you don’t fit in, you’re not as accepted and welcomed”. Having that in mind, clipping that loose thread, or ironing that small wrinkle on the collar of your shirt can pay off and go a long way. A business formal dress code enhances the professional image of your workplace environment and your personal brand. The clothing should be crisp, neat, pressed and never wrinkled, to project a professional image. Torn, dirty, and unmatched clothes is unacceptable. The golden rule I came across my research was the darker the suit, the more professional and formal. In addition to matching pants and a jacket, men should wear a buttoned-up collar shirt, paired with a tie. A key tip is to avoid any crazy patterns that would distract others from the important things that actually matter- like that sales pitch you have at 3 pm that afternoon. Wear coloured shirts that are safe and show confidence such as white, beige, light, or dark blue, along with a ties that matches and fits along with the shirt. When it comes to accessories, the more minimal the better. Depending on your colour choice of suit, usually it is recommended to go for a brown or black belt. I go to church every weekend and so I’m always seeing men in suits and formal attire. That being said, the most common mistake I see is their lack of sock knowledge. I think the most universal rule that every man who wears a suit should know is NEVER WEAR WHITE SOCKS. I see many of the men that attend my church make this mistake. Sure you can’t see the white socks when they are standing up, but once they sit down and raise their pant leg all you see is cotton socks- which completely messes up the whole formality ideal. Don’t let that happen to you! Save yourself from funny looks and invest in some fancy dark formal socks, I mean they cost less than $5.00 at Wal-Mart. Lastly, some dark, clean, and polished dress shoes would top off the look perfectly for it to come all together. There you have it, you are ready to conquer the world- or that interview you’re nervous about. The key is to be confident in what you wear. You won’t do well if you lack that charisma and spirit you need to believe in yourself to really push for the job. Dress for success and the rest will follow! Down below I put a couple links to blogs that have men examples and outfit ideas for dressing casually or for the office. Take a look and see if you can find an outfit that you’d really like and would want to wear!

McMaster University. (2016). Business Formal Attire. Retrieved from:
Giang, V. (November 14, 2013). 20 Personal Appearance Tips for the Modern Workplace. Retrieved from:

Dress Down Fridays- Yay or Nay?

Why haven’t a lot of companies incorporated this rule into their policy yet? I think it is a fantastic idea that so many more companies should be willing to do and introduce into their business. After a long week at work, working super hard and staying focused, the last thing you want is to take a long time to get ready and fix yourself. Sure you still need to look professional, but you can make jeans and a sweater look professional can’t you? From someone who works for a company that has a dress down Friday rule, I can say that it absolutely does make a difference in my mood and how I perform. The fact that the week is done and I get to go to work in jeans and a sweater actually makes a difference- I don’t know how but it does. I think it’s because I’m working in more comfortable clothes and have the option of just throwing my hair up in a ponytail. With that being said, everyone else around you is in a good mood which just adds to the overall atmosphere of the job which is always a good think to have positive vibes flowing back and forth. Casual Fridays are said to be a way to reward employees on an ongoing basis for their hard work. To some it seems like an early feel to the start of the weekend and myself included feel like the day goes by a lot faster! Dress down Fridays are a morale booster that doesn’t require any money or investment from the company. Employees perceive casual days as a benefit and reward for hard work that was done throughout the week. It fosters a sense of community among them and allows them a little more personal expression. Like I stated before, physical comfort can translate to greater productivity. Who wouldn’t prefer a t-shirt over a collared shirt? Or some cute flats over those 3 inch heels? I know I would! What do you think? Should dress down Fridays be a rule that every company should start implementing into their policy? Or do you think that it would just be a distraction and prevent people from working? If you were a boss running your own company would you initiate this policy? I definitely would so I could give my workers a relaxing, calm Friday that they deserve. Let me know what you would do in the comments below!

Photo Retrieved From:

Kooser, A. (2015). Dress-Down Days as a Morale Booster. Retrieved from:

Appropriate Women Dress Code in the Workplace

There’s a famous saying that goes “Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world”, I strongly agree with that. A women in a business setting and workplace is seen as a champion, a warrior and a survivor- or at least that’s what I think. For a women to compete and work alongside and against men for positions or promotions shows a lot about her character. We are wanted to be seen as equals and just as important as men, and so we should dress to impress! Much like men’s dress code attire, the darker the suit, the better. There are two options of either dress pants or a knee length skirt- both should be well ironed and wrinkle-free. A collard blouse or dress-material top is recommended, and should either be tucked in or just below your waistline. A key rule to remember is to make sure that the blouse you wear is neither too see through or too low of a neck cut. Nearer to the colder season, when wearing pantyhose, opt for dark or a skin colored pair. Same as men, when it comes to accessories, the more minimal the better. Simple jewellery such as a watch, a ring and subtle earrings are all acceptable and appropriate but chunky or bright accessories on the other hand are not recommended. As for shoes, closed or opened toe heels that are dark in colour can never go wrong! There you have it, your power outfit. I for one know that when I dress for the occasion and feel good about my clothing choices, I feel like I can take over the world. The way you present yourself definitely shines through to the outside. You are more confident in yourself and present yourself in a way that keeps people wondering what else you have hiding! Do you think that a powerful outfit gives a women more confidence to achieve a successful performance? Down below I have found a blog that has pictures and examples of appropriate work attire that women can wear in a business environment. (CLICK HERE FOR BLOG)

Picture Retrieved From:

McMaster University. (2016). Business Formal Attire. Retrieved from:

Does Dressing Well Make You More Successful?

Does physical appearance really matter when it comes to future success within a workplace? There are many opinions and views regarding whether first impressions are vital or not. Do they really matter that much in a business setting? Can a person really get a detailed sense of who you are, how you work, or how you would fit in within the company just by the appearance you portray to them? I believe it does matter. The first encounter you have with a potential client or an interviewer from a company can really set you aside from everyone else and make you stand out in either a positive way or a negative way- depending on what way you choose to go. Whether we like it or not, clothing communicates and can have a serious effect on your ability to achieve success. Clothing significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond towards you. Studies done in the past show that how you present yourself can influence others perceptions of your financial success, authority, trustworthiness, intelligence, and stability for hire or promotion. I believe that it is just in our nature to dress appropriately according to the circumstances. I know from personal experience that when I have an interview for a job that I really want, not only will I be prepared mentally with my knowledge and skills, but I will also be prepared to the best of my ability physically. I don’t know about you but when I dress up in a way that is suitable for such job, I feel unstoppable and beyond confident. Once I know that I am ready to look the part within the company, there is this confidence that clicks all the missing pieces of the puzzle together. Your confident shines through and that is exposed for everyone to see- especially to those who matter. I believe that one’s appearance is like a book. If you reach for a book and it has a nice title page and it looks physically appealing, you would open it up and read it.  On the other hand if the book looks unpleasant and unappealing, you’re more likely to put it back on the shelf. Yes, it sounds harsh but that is just the nature of us humans. We like to see things nice, neat and appealing. So back to my original question… Do you think that your appearance reflects and has a say in how well you do success wise in your life? My opinion is a strong YES. With that, I leave you with a quote that I found from an article that perfectly summarizes how I feel about the link between success and appearance. Darlene Price, President of Well Said Inc., said "Let's be clear: In the big picture of ultimate reality, what you wear neither defines who you are as a person nor determines your value as a human being; however, in the temporal realm of mere mortals, fair or not, people judge us by the way we look and that includes the way we dress." 

Photo Retrieved From:

Smith, J. (August 19, 2014). Here’s How Your Clothing Affects Your Success. Retrieved from:

Reference List

Buzzfeed Blue. (December 12, 2015). Does it pay to be attractive? Retrieved from:
               Future of Working. (April 23, 2014). Professional Appearance and Grooming for the Workplace. Retrieved from:
Giang, V. (November 14, 2013). 20 Personal Appearance Tips for the Modern Workplace. Retrieved from:
Kooser, A. (2015). Dress-Down Days as a Morale Booster. Retrieved from:
            McMaster University. (2016). Business Formal Attire. Retrieved from:
            Smith, J. (August 19, 2014). Here’s How Your Clothing Affects Your Success. Retrieved from:

            Williams, D. (August 9, 2013). First Impressions Count: The Business Value of Dressing for Success. Retrieved from: