Do you think that the way you present yourself can affect the first impression people have of you?

Sunday 6 March 2016

Dressing Up 24/7

Do you think that we should only dress up at work or should we make it a habit to always be perfectly well-groomed and attired? I’ve noticed throughout my life that I know many types of people with completely different characteristics and appearances. There’s one person in particular that I’m thinking of- my sister Jessica. She is one who is always looking for an adventure and always prepared for whatever comes her way. I don’t believe my sister knows what the meaning of lazy or casual means. She is someone who is always dressed in the most appealing and satisfactory way- always dressing like she’s about to meet the royal family. Her philosophy and what she lives by is that “every day you should dress as if you were to meet someone important”. Do you agree with her? I see where she is going and understand her reasons behind her choices of never wanting to look sluggish or unprepared like some people do, but at what cost? Even when we go to the park on a late Sunday afternoon she has to be wearing a nice, well put together outfit that she put a lot of effort into- but is all that really necessary? My sister works for a Marketing agency where she is in charge of dealing with new clients and meeting board members and signing deals, so I can see where her need to look presentable at all times would come from. If I were someone who had to always be on the lookout for new clients and have spontaneous meetings and brunches, I would like to be prepared and look presentable at all times as well. It shows her character of determination and commitment with her job. Clothes make a strong visual statement of how you see yourself. Like I’ve mentioned before, clothes have an effect on both the wearer and the observer. It has been proven that people are more likely to approach you, be nice to you, or give you information if the way your present yourself is physically appealing. In some cases (like the video I share below) more people are willing to donate more money to a cause just because of how you look. It might sound superficial, but I guess people are more pleased and open to seeing well put together individuals. Do you think that we should be judged based on our appearance? In regards to the video posted below, would you have donated to the girl that was sloppy, well groomed, or both? Why?  

            Williams, D. (August 9, 2013). First Impressions Count: The Business Value of Dressing for Success. Retrieved from:

Buzzfeed Blue. (December 12, 2015). Does it pay to be attractive? Retrieved from:

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